How To Make Pinterest Dark Mode?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in dark mode feature for Pinterest on the web or the mobile app. However, you can use a third-party extension or app to enable dark mode on Pinterest.

Here are some of the extensions and apps that you can use:

1. Night Eye: This extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. It automatically converts websites to dark mode, including Pinterest.

2. Dark Reader: This extension is also available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. It gives you more control over how websites are converted to dark mode.

3. AMOLED Dark Mode: This app is available for Android. It converts all apps on your phone to dark mode, including Pinterest.
AMOLED Dark Mode app for AndroidOpens in a new window

4. Night Owl: This app is available for iOS. It converts all apps on your phone to dark mode, including Pinterest.
Night Owl app for iOSOpens in a new window

Blog Conclusion:

There you have it! Enabling dark mode on Pinterest is a simple process that can significantly enhance your browsing experience, especially during those late-night Pinterest sessions. The dark background not only reduces eye strain but also gives the platform a sleek and modern look.

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